Understanding Roots
Often, we hear the term "roots" in different contexts, whether it's a conversation about ancestry, a discussion about the grounding principles of a certain philosophy, or even a dialogue about plants. But have you ever thought about how roots and infinity could be interconnected? Let's dive into this fascinating concept where the roots rest in infinity. Starting Point Artist Ai Weiwei: Roots Roots, in essence, represent the origin or the starting point. From a biological perspective, roots are the part of a plant that typically lies below the surface of the soil. But roots aren’t just about being buried underground; they're also about nourishment, growth, and stability. Roots draw nutrients and water necessary for a plant’s survival and growth, acting as a lifeline for the whole organism. In human terms, roots usually refer to our ancestry or the place we consider home. Our roots encompass our family history, traditions, and the culture we were raised in, and th...